2021 Top New Year Resolutions
The New Year rang in and we’ve survived the first week of 2021! For many of us,…
Bringing Home To You [2020]
Do you spend twenty minutes scrolling through food delivery apps hoping to find…
Travelling interstate? Wait! Cuba Lauk Rentas Negeri Today!
Jap jap...COVID cases banyak lagi, you all! Are you sure about wanting to cross…
Hi-Tea the Malaysian Way
When we think of hi-tea, we tend to think of fancy tea-time sets in hotels with…
Best Breakfast Menu in Klang Valley [2020]
Our fickle Malaysian weather sometimes gets really cold in the mornings,…
Why Yummy Aesthetics Work
Have you ever thought about the aesthetic of food and the response it provokes?…
3 Tidbits About Curry Puffs
How often do you partake in the delicious little package of savoury goodness…
Why We Love Kampung Food
Delicious food is a big part of our Malaysian culture. In fact, Malaysia has…
5 Fun Merdeka Snack Recipes You'll Ever Try
It still seems surreal that the 2020 we’ve been looking forward to since…